Farm Animal Emotions Detection and Analysis
Artificial Intelligence in Investigation of Farm Animal's Affective States - Professor Suresh Neethirajan gave an invited talk on...
How can big data detect animal diseases ? Upscaling Real Time Sensor Data
Disease prevention management is a priority for producers. There are multiple diseases, which contribute to economic losses. The...
Stray Dog Institute Article
Digital Livestock Farming Offers Mixed Outcomes for Farmed Animals Published in Stray Dog Institute (Link) Smart farming, an...
Animals’ phenotype via automated behavior assessment
Understanding animals’ phenotype through automatic behavior assessment Article Published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Link)...
Sinterklaas in Netherlands
Locked up like behind a thick lead wall And forced to be isolated like an oddball Where mere light had to be hunted like at nightfall...
Wageningen Swan – A Poem
We all serve a purpose in the life we were granted. Our truth lies within the footsteps we walk on the road to fulfilling our soul’s...