HCFAI Webinar Starts in








Farm Tech Meets Animal Care –

A Digital Perspective

Join Us For a Virtual Webinar Exploring How Technology is Revolutionizing the Intersection of Farming and Animal Care!

Mon, June 3, 2024

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM ADT

Format : Online

Duration ~ 7 hours

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Explore the Future of Farming at the HCFAI Webinar ~ Where Technology Meets Animal Welfare

Join us as we unravel the complexities of Digital Agriculture and Artificial Intelligence in the realm of farm animal care. Is technology genuinely enhancing animal welfare, or is it primarily a tool for boosting farm productivity? Delve into the dynamic world of Human-Computer Farm Animal Interactions (HCFAI) and explore how cutting edge technologies are reshaping the landscape of modern farming.

This thought-provoking session will address vital questions Co organized by Professor Suresh Neethirajan & Professor Stacey Scott, Dalhousie University & University of Guelph, Canada. Are we truly bettering the lives of farm animals with innovative technology, or simply driving greater productivity? How can digital agriculture practices be ethically aligned with the quest for sustainable and profitable farming? What role do farmers play—are they the stewards of animal welfare or merely focused on maximizing efficiency?

Webinar Agenda


9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Welcome Remarks

Suresh Neethirajan, Dalhousie University

Stacey Scott, University of Guelph

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Keynote Talk - Smart Farming and AI: Good News or Bad News for Animal Welfare?

Dr. Marian Dawkins, Oxford University

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Ethology, Human Psychology and Robot in Animal Farming 

Dr. Xavier Boivin, INRAE France

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Ethical Design in Animal-Computer Interaction

Dr. Clara Mancini, Open University, UK

12:15 PM - 1:00 PM 



1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 

Technology Access for Livestock Production

Dr. Désirée Gellatly, Olds College, Alberta, Canada

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 

Veterinary Social Work

Dr. Elizabeth Strand, University of Tennessee, USA

3:00 PM - 3:50 PM

Panel Discussion

Shari Van de Pol, Founder and CEO - CATTLEytics

Kelly Somerville, Industry Services Manager, LRIC-Guelph

Kris Pettit, Dairy Producer, Mistyglen Creamery


3:50 PM - 4:00 PM 

Closing & Gratitude Remarks

Suresh Neethirajan, Dalhousie University

Stacey Scott, University of Guelph

Covered Topics


  • Expert Insights: Explore the ethical dimensions of human-computer-animal interactions.
  • Interactive Talks: Debate technology’s impact on animal welfare.
  • Innovations: Uncover groundbreaking developments in animal farming practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this event open to All?
This is a scientific and knowledge exchange event open for students, researchers, scientists, policy makers and industry personnel who are interested in the topic of farm animal welfare, digital agriculture, digital livestock farming, animal communications, computer science etc. Only by invitation.
What is the mode of event? Webinar?
This event will be offered via Zoom platform. The link for Zoom will be provided to the registered participants via email a week before the event.
Is this a Free Event or a Fee Involved?
No, there are no fees to be paid to attend this meeting. It is Free.